Все курсы

Critique Writing 101

Give reviews with confidence and style.

Course Description

We all have our favorite critics—the go-to voice we listen to when we want to know which movie to see, book to read, or album to buy. But these critics are more than just opinion-generators.

How does one eloquently, fairly, and adequately consider, judge, and describe a work that someone else has created? A well written critique to a work of art requires deep thought and understanding of how it is we judge and consume the piece of art itself.

In this course we will learn how to carefully analyze and properly criticize a work of art in any medium. And by the end, you will be confident in that thumbs up or thumbs down you give in your next review!

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Об авторе курса

Emma Gase is earning her MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Columbia University in New York. She is co-creator of Medium Talk, a site where she writes about music, pizza, and things that give Millenials headaches.

During her undergrad studies, Emma was Music Editor for the Michigan Daily, where she wrote her fair share of album critiques.

Critique Writing 101
10 lesson course, designed to teach you the essentials of critique writing.
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