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Blogging 101

Write your first post.

Course Description

In this course, you will be guided through 11 lessons in writing your first blog post. Whether you are a beginner at the start of your blog writing journey or moderately well-seasoned, this course will provide you a step-by-step "how-to" in blog writing and the necessary exploration of "mindset", providing you with an inside view of the blog writing process.

The lessons are set in a particular order that build upon themselves to create a solid and effective foundation. By the end of this course, you will have completed your first blog post for the topic and audience that interests you most!

Start your very own blog today!

About the Course Author

Dr. Nicki Steinberger is a holistic health educator, writer, and business coach at

She helps everyday people master the craft of creative and technical writing, blog and book content development, and social media marketing.

Blogging 101
11 lesson course, designed to guide you through the process of blog writing.
Access to Daily Page’s built-in editor to write and organize your first post.
Upon finishing of the course, you will have completed your first blog post for the topic and audience that interests you most.
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